What We Do

Activitățile companiei sunt împărțite pe diverse domenii, bazându-se în mare măsură pe crearea de rețele și cooperarea cu parteneri transnaționali. Printre activitățile desfășurate se numără:

  • Consultancy in accessing financing for different partners, public and private, national and transnational;
  • Planning, writing and implementation of European-funded projects;
  • Market studies, promotion activities, and business planning;
  • Supporting the implementation of various projects for young people in Romania.

During the last years, the company developed a number of activities related to identifying, attracting, and implementing different European financing instruments and worked with several categories of beneficiaries - youth, job-seekers, disadvantaged groups, young graduates, migrants etc.

Moreover, Sorangeli Trans has a relevant experience in project planning and implementation, personnel with certified experience in developing activities in areas like consultancy, project management, training, market studies, and data processing.
